Working Cats

The four, caged feral cats in the back of our Subaru wagon were speechless. We’d collected them a few minutes before at the Jackson County Animal Services, where they had been neutered rather than euthanized and granted a ninth life. Now, freshly anointed “working cats,” they were on their way to their new assignment: rodent control on a small farm …

Way to Go: Pooping at 7,900 ft.

Note: I have spent much of the fall kibitzing my videographer friend Kathy Roselli on her latest film—on an unlikely topic: a 7,900 foot composting toilet on Mt. Shasta (30 miles south of Ashland). I prepared a brochure for the Sierra Club Foundation and K-Rose Productions to accompany the film, and I figured I’d share it here. It’s a long …

The Hemp Invasion

Early this fall, along interstate 5 just north of Ashland, the air sometimes smelled of skunk—not the sharp odor of roadkill, but a foul smell that hung like fog. I later learned that I was smelling hemp, not skunk, growing on fields next to the Interstate.  Hemp, you probably know, is a strain of non-psychoactive cannabis grown specifically for “industrial uses.” …

Christmas Arrives in Oregon

The winter holiday season is here—it arrived before Thanksgiving if you didn’t notice—and for some of us dedicated to an annual hunt for the best Christmas tree, the debate continues: real evergreen or faux.  The National Christmas Tree Association estimates that more than three-quarters of the Christmas trees on display in 2019 will be artificial. People who prefer artificial trees say they are …

A Voice for the Voiceless: Agnes Baker Pilgrim, 95

At age 95, Agnes Pilgrim Baker deserves the title “living cultural legend” as much as anyone I almost know. After watching hours of videos of her talking about being a “voice for the voiceless,” I’m a big fan. Grandma Aggie, as she is known, is the oldest living female left of the Rogue River Indians, the Takelmas, who lived in Southern …

Carrots and Ponies: Fall Harvest at the Growers Market

Farmers’ markets are the fasting growing segment of the U.S. food marketplace, with over 8,000 nationwide. USA Today just named the Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Market, “our” market, one of the ten best in the country. I was brought up believing fresh vegetables were sacred, and I’ve always tended a vegetable garden. Just before my husband and I impulsively sold …

A Celebration for the Ages: Halloween Ashland Style

In the 1950’s, when I was growing up in New Jersey, Halloween was not a family affair. I couldn’t imagine my father dressing up as Captain America or my mother as a poodle-skirted Dream Girl and getting in on the action—nor, I’m sure, could they.  What I remember, actually, was the night before Halloween, called Mischief Night, when my friends and I …